The Center Obama’s Planning for his Post-Presidency

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 20, 2017News

After much needed rest and family time, President Obama and Michelle Obama said they will start working on the future presidential center in Chicago and invited citizens to help in a new two minute video.

“Check out this Website for our future presidential center. The center will be based on the South Side of Chicago, but it will have projects all over the city, the country and the world. More than a library or a museum it will be a living working center for citizenship. That’s why we want to hear from you. Tell us what you want this project to be and tell us what’s on your minds,” said President Obama.

“Send us your ideas, your hopes, your beliefs about what we can achieve together. Tell us about the young leaders and companies and organizations that inspire you. This will be your presidential center just as much as it is ours. So we want you to tell us what we should be thinking about as we get to work,” added the first lady.
The president said it will take all ideas to make the center a reality and that democracy is bigger than just one person.

“It’s a job for all of us. It requires everyday sustained effort from all of us. The work of perfecting our union is never finished. And we look forward to joining you in that effort as fellow citizens. Thank you and we will see all of you again soon.”
