Ohio Octogenarian Moved by Mr. Li’s Article ‘How Humankind Came To Be’

Victor Mooney, a retired entrepreneur, said Falun Gong founder Mr. Li Hongzhi’s recent article “How Humankind Came To Be” moved him.

“It seems to me that he [Mr. Li] based his beliefs on some pretty ancient ideals that went back much farther than what you and I would ordinarily think of as Chinese history,” he told The Epoch Times, adding, “just about farther than anybody on the planet.”

Mooney appreciated the “excellent articulation” of the article and that Mr. Li spoke with conviction.

NTD Photo
Victor Mooney. (Courtesy of Victor Mooney)

“The way he [Mr. Li] has spoken, and the way he brought his message—I didn’t get the idea he was a preacher. It was very easy to see that he was sincere in his belief that he had the right idea. So when somebody’s talking to you about something, you can get whether he’s selling something or if he’s just revealing his own thoughts,” he added. “That may be what drew me to him.”

Currently living in Milan, Ohio, Mooney will turn 82 in September. He studied architecture in college but had to drop out to support his family. He started as a baker with American Bakeries Company, then moved to sales and management before he left the company and opened his own business.

He said Mr. Li was “very, very tolerant.” “I don’t think he [Mr. Li] was trying to convert anybody. He was just trying to enlighten us with his thoughts and beliefs; you don’t necessarily have to convert somebody to your belief to help them along the way. You can both work together.”