Ohio Teacher Fired Over Reportedly ‘Dragging’ Kindergartner Boy Across Gym Floor

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
August 24, 2017News
Ohio Teacher Fired Over Reportedly ‘Dragging’ Kindergartner Boy Across Gym Floor
A classroom at Rosa Parks Early Learning Center in Dayton, Ohio. (DPS_Rosa_Parks_Early_Learning_Center_085/Flickr)

A teacher was fired after he allegedly “grabbed a student by the wrist” during a gym class and twisted his arm by dragging him across the gym floor. 

The physical education teacher from Dayton Public Schools district, David Cameron, is accused of dragging a kindergarten boy at Rosa Parks Early Learning Center back on or about Nov. 28, 2016, according to a March 15 letter. 

That letter was written by DPS Treasurer Hiwot Abraha to Cameron on his reason for termination and was obtained by Dayton Daily News by referencing Ohio’s public records laws. 

The decision to fire Cameron was approved by the school board during a meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 22. 

It is not known what exactly caused the teacher to drag the young boy, but the letter said that Cameron had previously been talked to about appropriate disciplinary methods. 

(Screenshot via Dayton Daily News)
(Screenshot via Dayton Daily News)

“The kindergarten student expressed that you were hurting him, yet you did not release him,” the letter said. 

“On Feb, 23, 2017, you were present at an administrative hearing regarding the charges and specifications surrounding this matter. It was noted in the hearing that you have been counseled previously regarding appropriate student disciplinary procedures,” the letter goes on. 

Cameron first requested a hearing before a referee that was appointed by the Ohio Department of Education, according to an earlier meeting on Aug. 2. But the document states that Cameron later “withdrew his request and waived any right to a hearing,” Dayton Daily News reported. 

After the incident, Cameron was initially placed on leave for several months. 

Documents from the 2014-2015 staff roster list Cameron as a physical education teacher for Fairview PreK-8 School. A 2016-2017 staff roster confirms Cameron was a physical education teacher at Rosa Parks ELC.

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