Once thriving fishing village transformed by Mother Nature

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 15, 2017Travel

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This is a story of rebirth and regeneration, of abandonment and survival, and of the constant transformation that Mother Nature creates with ever-evolving magical touch. In the mid-1990’s. Most residents had left Shengshan Island, part of an archipelago just off the east coast of China. Old ways gave way to new as the small fishing village vanished amidst at the hands of more economical and modern methods of fishing.

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But what was there before  Shengshan Island was a fishing village remains and returns. As the homes and man-made homes and other structures slowly erode and crumble into the past, the relic village is being replaced by some of the lushest and opulent greenery that can only be provided by the natural beauty of earth itself. Vines crawl abundantly on this one of almost 400 of the Shengsi Islands. They follow the once well-traveled and populated paths that brought fishermen and their families to and from each other. Walls made of stone only add to the mixture of jungle-like plants and structures of necessary neglect. The island still thrives, but in a very different way than it did not so long ago. The scenery is truly breathtaking.