Orchestra Leader: Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra is a Real Musical Feast

New York’s Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra performed on the afternoon of Sept. 26 at the Jihde Hall of the Kaohsiung City Cultural Center, in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Keyfantasy Philharmonic Orchestra Leader Li Chingxiu characterized Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra as taking root in people’s hearts and opening their minds. Although it was her first time to listen to the performance, her feeling was very profound.

Li said the orchestra was outstanding, and truly embodied its name—Shen Yun has deep spiritual and cultural connotations, and can be roughly translated as “divine beauty,” or “the beauty of divine beings dancing.” She said she was pleasantly surprised by the touching nature of the combined Eastern and Western style of music.

“The music production, arrangement, and the whole blend of the East and West—the sound made us feel integrated with whole world’s history and culture.”

The Keyfantasy Philharmonic Orchestra—consisting of around 100 children and adolescents led by Li—immersed themselves in the enchantment of the performance.

“I listened carefully to every detail of each song, since after all, I am the head of an orchestra myself,” Li said. “So of course, for every song—whether it is from the conductor’s coordination, the concerto of the violins, or the singing of the vocalists—it all came from the heart. All the emotions came out directly from the heart. This is very rare and hard to come by.”

Li couldn’t help but praise Shen Yun, saying its music can move the world and, therefore, belongs to everyone.

“We were totally listening to that feeling and letting it dissolve inside us. That kind of feeling is very rare.”

Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra brings a world-class performance, and a different kind of artistic treat to the public. The musicians performed two encores to a full house of applause.

NTD News, Kaohsiung, Taiwan contributed to this report.