Pandemic Rules and Government Overreach: Where’s the Boundary?

Cindy Drukier
By Cindy Drukier
September 25, 2021The Nation Speaks

Something new has happened. The government has inserted itself into parts of our lives it was never involved in before. It now regulates how to behave at work, who we can gather with, how many feet apart school desks need to be, and when landlords can collect their rent. Is all this legal? And what does it mean for civil society long term? 

Here to help us answer exactly these questions is Steve Simpson, a senior attorney at the Pacific Legal Foundation, a nonprofit that defends liberties threatened by government overreach and abuse. 

We talk about the greatly expanded scope of the government during this pandemic, specifically President Biden’s recent directive, giving the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, the power to require all private companies with over 100 employees to force workers to get vaccinated or take weekly COVID tests. Is this in the purview of a government agency to do? Some judges don’t think so.

Watch the full episode on EpochTV.