Paralyzed Dog Successfully Recovers Thanks to Kind-Hearted Model

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
October 30, 2016Style
Paralyzed Dog Successfully Recovers Thanks to Kind-Hearted Model

On a trip abroad to Thailand, Canadian traveler Meagan Penman spotted a paralyzed dog struggling to crawl across the beach.

Meagan instantly went to help the poor paraplegic, malnourished pup who had terrible wounds on his hind legs.

The dog had survived a terrible motorcycle accident, and whoever his owner was, did absolutely nothing to provide the dog with the medical care he so desperately needed.

She couldn’t find any rescues in Thailand who would take him in — but she knew if the dog didn’t get help soon he would die, maybe even right there on the sand.

Scroll down to see what Meagan did next…

Meagan Penman is a Canadian model who traveled to Thailand for vacation.

In Thailand, Meagan unexpectedly discovered a poor dog dragging his body across the beach. She took him to a local vet where X-Rays showed his spine was broken.

In Thailand, Meagan unexpectedly discovered a poor dog dragging his body across the beach. She took him to a local vet where X-Rays showed his spine was broken.

Because of his extreme condition, no rescues in Thailand were willing to take the pup whom Meagan named Leo. So, Meagan vowed to find a way to bring him back home to Canada.

Because of his extreme condition, no rescues in Thailand were willing to take the pup. So, Meagan vowed to find a way to bring him back home to Canada.

Getting him overseas was no easy task, but thanks to many generous online donors, Meagan was able to raise the $2,000 needed to help pay for the special needs pup’s trip.

Getting him overseas was no easy task, but thanks to many generous online donors, Meagan was able to raise the over ,000 needed to help pay for the special needs pup

Leo’s story was so incredible, that he made the local news.


Two months after his rescue, Leo was ready to head off to his new home.

Two months after his rescue, Leo was ready to head off to his new home.

Even after a long flight, Leo was calm and happy.

Even after a long flight, Leo was calm and happy.

Due to her job and living situation, Meagan couldn’t take him in herself; however, she found a foster home for him via Leo’s Facebook page with a wonderful woman named Jamie.

Due to her job and living situation, Meagan couldn

Donations helped pay for Leo’s extensive vet bills and care. K9 Carts, a pet mobility rehab center, helped him get his own doggie wheelchair so he could walk again.

Donations helped pay for Leo

 Leo has adapted incredibly, in spite of the struggles he’s been through.

Leo has adapted incredibly, in spite of the struggles he

He undergone various operations for problems with his urinary tract, and until a solution is found…


…he’s wearing diapers like a human baby.


Leo had only weeks left to live, but thanks to human compassion he has a second shot at a long and happy life.

Leo had only weeks left to live, but human compassion reigned supreme and gave him a second shot at a long and happy life.

Leo has already showed signs for the possibility of future mobility.

Leo has already showed signs for the possibility of future mobility.