Humorous video shows father one-up his sons who constantly text while at the dinner table

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 16, 2017Life

Chances are someone you know texts while at the dinner table. Maybe even you are guilty of the social faux pas. It’s rude, it’s annoying, and it’s hard to carry on a conversation with the guilty party, but yet it still happens.

The video, made by Matthew Abeler, pokes fun at the pesky problem that seems to be popping up at dinner tables nearly everywhere. It’ll make you chuckle and then stop and think.

Face to face conversations are a thing of the past.

Texting At Dinner Table

Leave it up to the dad to pull this kind of stunt.

Texting At Dinner Table

When texting is compared to using a typewriter it makes you realize how truly annoying it is when someone uses their phone at the dinner table. Maybe it’s time to put the phone down.