If Your Pets Look Like This, Take Them To The Vet Immediately

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 19, 2016Health
If Your Pets Look Like This, Take Them To The Vet Immediately

It is important to pay attention to your pets because their behavior may reveal a health issue which if not treated early can end up costing them their life.

If you notice that your dog or cat is in a confused state, walking around along the perimeter of the walls and presses its head against them inexplicably — take your pet to the vet right away and report the behavior!

In fact, these are the symptoms of a serious condition that require immediate action. Here is what this behavior means . . .

In veterinary medicine, it is called “Head Pressing”. This is when animals manifest mental confusion, disorientation, and press their head against a wall.


Head Pressing is a sign of a severe neurological disorder which may be due to a head injury, a brain tumor or infection of the nervous system.


It is equally common in dogs as in cats and also in cows, horses, and goats.


Often when animals press their head against a wall is mistaken for a game.


However, once you know about this serious condition, the symptoms are perfectly distinguishable.


In addition to pressing their head against walls or furniture, the animals are in a state of perpetual anxiety, their reflexes are slow, and can have epileptic seizures.


It is important to act immediately and take the animal to a vet, who will proceed with the appropriate tests.


Save your pets lives! Do not underestimate this seemingly funny or humorous behavior!


Share this information, it is very important to let everyone know about this very common health issue.

In the video, you can see how “Head Pressure” affects this animal. See how the puppy walks close to the walls and stops inexplicably in front of them. Its owner should act immediately!