Philippines Opens Monitoring Base in South China Sea

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 1, 2023China in Focus

The Philippines opened a new coast guard monitoring base Friday on an island in the South China Sea to watch Chinese vessels in the contested waters.

Faceoffs between Chinese and Philippine ships have intensified this year.

At the new base’s opening ceremony, a Philippine official called the actions of Chinese ships “pure bullying.”

The Philippines decided this year to allow an expansion of the U.S. military presence in the country. It also recently launched joint sea and air patrols with the United States and Australia.

Taiwan Retires F-5, Replaces Them With Homemade Jets

The Taiwanese Air Force is saying goodbye to one of its oldest fighter jets: American-made F-5s, also known as Tigers.

Replacing the aircraft are new, domestically made-advanced jet trainers.

Because the jets are locally made, Taiwan can both cut costs, and grow its domestic defense industry.

Taiwan’s air force is under immense pressure as it scrambles regularly to intercept Chinese warplanes flying near the country.

China Lures Taiwan Politicians WIth Cheap Trips: Report

An exclusive report from Reuters says the Chinese regime is sponsoring cheap trips to China for hundreds of Taiwanese politicians ahead of key elections.

China is reportedly attempting to sway voters toward candidates seeking closer ties with the regime.

Taiwanese law forbids election campaigns from receiving funds from external hostile forces such as China. Prosecutors this week are investigating 22 people in connection with the interference.

China Reconsiders Tariffs on Australian Wine Imports

China said Thursday it has started to review its tariffs on Australian wine.

Beijing imposed sanctions on Australian wine, barley, and coal in 2020 as their ties soured over Canberra’s push for an independent COVID-19 origin probe.

The visit of Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese earlier this month marked the resumption of an annual leaders’ meeting after a four-year hiatus.

China has been a major market for Australia in a range of goods including coal, wine, beef, barley, and lobster.