Planned ‘Megashelter’ for Homeless in Pelosi’s District Leads to Heated Public Meeting; San Francisco Mayor Heckled

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
April 5, 2019US News
Planned ‘Megashelter’ for Homeless in Pelosi’s District Leads to Heated Public Meeting; San Francisco Mayor Heckled
Homeless people camp in front of an out of business Trader Vic's restaurant in San Francisco, on Jan. 11, 2011. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Mayor of San Francisco London Breed was mocked and jeered during an intense community meeting on April 4 to discuss a proposal to create a 200-bed Homeless Navigation Center along the waterfront in the city. This controversial plan initiated a duel among fundraisers—from supporters and critics, reported Fox News.

The area, (Embarcadero) is part of the 12th Congressional District of California, represented by Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and is one of the most sought-after locations.

“Homelessness is the number one problem that we face in our city. You cannot be upset about homelessness and then when I propose a real solution, then you’re upset about it,” Breed said while trying to discuss the plans for construction.

The plan suggests a 44,000-square-foot megacenter that would be surrounded by high rise luxury condominiums, a four-year lease is planned.

Rich residents of San Francisco and critics started a campaign called “Safe Embarcadero for All” that was launched on March 20—they addressed security and noise concerns and have collected more than $91,000 to hire a land use attorney to oppose the project.

“The planned location for Mayor Breed’s #megashelter is home to thousands of families, visited by millions of tourists and at the center of some of San Francisco’s most iconic events—including the San Francisco Marathon, San Francisco Giants stadium, and on one of the busiest bicyclist paths in the city,” reads the post on the site by the opposing group.

Fox News reported that multiple people that were part of the fundraisers for the “Not in my backyard” opposition included many members that also contributed to Democratic political groups. Including thousands of dollars to the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee, MoveOn, and other left-leaning organizations.

Another fundraiser supporting the “megashelter” project reached $162,000. Some of them expressed fear that the 24-hour shelter would impact the area and their quality of life, it was mentioned that mental health and drug and alcohol abuse pervades the homeless. Some of the residents expressed a willingness to support low-income housing but not a homeless center.

A resident who lives near the site said, “Today was a sales pitch. It was not a community meeting, as evidenced by them focusing on the lighting, and the colors and the look and feel of the facility, and not what’s happening to the people on the inside.”

Breed who announced in 2018 a plan to create 1,000 new shelter beds within two years was eventually shouted down by critics and cut her speech short.

“Either you let me speak, or you leave,” she responded. “I can’t continue, but I will stay and listen to the comments. The least we could do is show respect for one another.”

The matter will be voted on April 23 by the Port Commission.