Police Discover Secret Underground Bunker Used by ‘Ndrangheta Crime Syndicate

Petr Svab
By Petr Svab
March 8, 2018tester
Police Discover Secret Underground Bunker Used by ‘Ndrangheta Crime Syndicate

Italian police discovered an underground bunker while looking for fugitives in Rosarno, in the southern Italian region of Calabria, on Feb. 2. Police believe the bunker has been used by the ’Ndrangheta Crime Syndicate fugitives.

The 215-square-foot brick structure was monitored by hidden cameras and accessed by a concrete hatch hidden about 20 inches underground. The hatch led to a vertical shaft that connected to a 30-foot corridor, which opened into a bunker room equipped with electric lighting, beds, a kitchen, and a bathroom, Italian news agency ANSA reported.

Police released footage of them exploring the bunker.

’Ndrangheta is based in Calabria and “is among the richest and most powerful organised crime groups at a global level,” Europol, a European law enforcement agency, wrote in a 2013 report (pdf).

This was also not the first ’Ndrangheta bunker that’s been discovered. In 2016, two ’Ndrangheta bosses have been found by authorities “living like animals” in a bunker in the mountains of Reggio Calabria, BBC reported.

Note: Video has no sound