Polls Show a Majority of Millennials Supporting Trump

Ilene Eng
By Ilene Eng
May 23, 2019Politics

LAFAYETTE—A recent poll by Zogby Analytics showed that a majority millennials are in approval of Trump’s performance on the top job.

It revealed an overall approval rating of 51 percent, with 30 percent expressing strongly approval and 21 percent somewhat approving.

Millennials feel that under the economic growth under the Trump administration has provided them with more job opportunities.

Thomas Beccaro, an author and columnist, believes that millennials are more satisfied with the economy now than with conditions under the Obama administration.

“The millennials just went through eight years. And we used to have all these stories of them living in their parents’ basement. You don’t have those stories anymore. Now they’re out and about getting apartments with jobs,” he said.

Beccaro thinks that Trump’s approval can be long-term if Trump keeps it up, just like it was for President Ronald Reagan.

“When Reagan came along, there was a huge bump up in Republican registration under those 35 and younger. And basically, they have stayed that way,” said Beccaro. “Growing economies tend to unify a country, and stagnant economies tend to divide a country.”

According to statistics from the White House, Trump’s policies allowed economic growth to reach three percent from 2017 to 2018—the fastest increase in thirteen years since 2005.

The economic boom has surpassed expectations. Since Trump’s election, unemployment rates have dropped to at or below 4 percent, and about 7.3 million job openings were created for Americans as of last December.

“The economy is actually continuing to exhibit very good growth, strong numbers,” said Beccaro. “And so I believe that throughout this election, the Republicans and Trump will be able to rely on those strong numbers. And therefore, that three year period, is where millennials can get a stronger view, a deeper held view of the Republicans and Donald Trump. And that could last a long time.”