Poudlard in Paris: Inside a School of Magic

David Vives
By David Vives
November 29, 2019Arts and Culture

For more than 40 years, a French magician created his own magic tricks and passed them on to his daughter. Their reputation has reached across France—and even as far as Las Vegas.

Professional magician Alexandra Duvivier and her father, Dominique Duvivier, do not only create magic shows. The family offers classes in France’s first school that offers a state-recognized diploma in magicianship.

According to Dominique, after the class, a student needs to work anywhere between 2,000 and 3,000 hours before they are ready to perform.

“Technique is very important. But a magician is an artist, so he needs to learn how to present his show,” Alexandra said. “It’s a very human art—magic is serious, it is an art.”

The course lasts three months and costs $16,500. A sum that might be partly reimbursed now that France officially recognizes this practice as a professional art.

Lorenz Duchamps contributed to this report.