Pregnant Woman Changes Mind Mid-Abortion to Save Her Twins

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
June 28, 2019Health
Pregnant Woman Changes Mind Mid-Abortion to Save Her Twins
"Alexis" holding her twin daughters. (Courtesy of "Alexis" and HELP Pregnancy Center)

A North Carolina woman changed her mind after starting a chemical abortion in order to save her twins, according to multiple reports.

The unnamed woman, referred to as “Alexis,” was six months pregnant when she decided to get an abortion. She was set on terminating the pregnancy when she made her way to a Preferred Woman’s Health Center in Charlotte. But it wasn’t until she underwent the ultrasound procedure that she realized she was going to have twins, according to Fox News. She wasn’t given the opportunity to see her sonogram, but the words impacted her, nonetheless.

She’d always wanted twins. The thought was still fresh on her mind when she was given the first drug in the chemical abortion process to take, along with the second step in the process for her to take after 48 hours, Fox News reported. As she made her way out of the clinic, she remembered words from a sidewalk counselor—”It might not be too late for you——they can still help you save your baby.”

Moments later, she was on the phone with a HELP pregnancy center, inquiring about a way to reverse the abortion process, according to Fox News.

“We got her started on the abortion pill reversal treatment extremely fast,” said Courtney Parks, abortion pill reversal coordinator for HELP Pregnancy Center. “It was a matter of hours.”

According to Pregnancy Help News, time was crucial in saving the baby’s life if a woman changed her mind about a chemical abortion. The news outlet reported that the abortion pill in question, RU-486, is administered in two parts—Mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone is a drug that blocks progesterone, a natural substance produced by a woman’s body that is required for a healthy and successful pregnancy. Misoprostol is a drug that induces labor.

The abortion pill reversal treatment was developed by medical director Matt Harrison from HELP, and George Delgado, a Californian physician. The purpose of the reversal drug was to give the woman extra progesterone up to 72 hours after the first pill was taken, according to Pregnancy Help News. And fortunately for Alexis, she managed to make it barely within that window of opportunity, just in time to save her babies.

She met with Kelly Byrum, a sonographer at the HELP pregnancy center, as well as Parks, and Alexis was able to take a look at her twins through ultrasound.

A picture of a pregnant woman holding a sonogram image.
A picture of a pregnant woman holding a sonogram image. (PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay)

“They were tiny, little babies and they had beautiful, little heartbeats,” Parks said, according to Pregnancy Help News. “I just remember sitting with her in that ultrasound room and her crying, and just hoping that this would work for her so that she could save her babies.”

The center helped Alexis by setting her up with a few more follow-up ultrasounds in order to check up on her babies, in order to determine whether the reversal pill was working, and to make sure that the twins were healthy, according to Pregnancy Help News.

Fortunately for Alexis, the reversal pill was working, and the center was able to put Alexis in touch with a doctor in order to give her the required prenatal care for her twins in the duration of her pregnancy a month after she initially sought out the center. Parks and the rest of the team at the HELP center stayed in touch with Alexis throughout her pregnancy and threw her a baby shower. Alexis received many baby-related items through her baby shower and was very thankful for the help she got.

“She has had everything that these babies need for several years provided for her,” Parks said, according to Pregnancy Help News. “She told me, ‘if I had known what I know now and I had seen how the Lord has provided for these babies, I would have never even walked into that clinic.'”

Parks told the news outlet that Alexis “has just been overwhelmed with just how good God has provided for her throughout this.”

Fox News reported that months after the baby shower, Alexis was able to give birth to a healthy pair of twins, and the new mother had been ecstatic. Pregnancy Help News reported that after giving birth, Alexis had been taking on the responsibility as a single mother of her set of twins and enjoying it. Alexis was supported by her mother, who moved in with the new mother of twins in order to take care of the babies, Parks said.

Alexis’s pair of twins were two of a growing list of children who have been saved by the abortion reversal pill, according to Pregnancy Help News. Throughout Abortion Pill Rescue’s network, 750 babies have been saved by the procedure. And through Alexis’s story, Byrum hoped that more women would be aware of the option they have to reverse their abortion via pill, and that even at that crucial point, when women often begin to regret, it’s still not too late.

“We really just hope that this brings awareness to abortion pill reversal and the fact that it does save lives,” Byrum said.