President Jose Mujica of Uruguay drives a 1987 VW

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 2, 2017Stories


Some people have labeled President Jose Mujica of Uruguay the world’s ‘poorest president.’ People can be poor or rich in many different ways. In the conventional sense, President Mujica may seem “poor.” When he took office in 2010, all he owned was one thing – his car. While most countries leaders’ drive cars that are extravagant and expensive, this one does not. President Mujica’s automobile, which is driven by him and not a chauffeur, is a 1987 Volkswagen Beetle.

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Some joking around about a man of such high position driving around in a 1987 VW would be expected. In fact, the president has been offered $1 million for his classic mode of transportation. That offer came from an Arab sheik, and although their might have been a bit of teasing in the offer, he wasn’t joking. President Mujica did not take him up on the offer and in his response said that if he owned any other type of expensive vehicles he would just give them away. Hmm… a world leader with riches beyond what money can buy? Perhaps that is why he was elected in the first place and why he remains so popular.