President Trump signs two executive order targeting trade abuse

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 31, 2017China News

President Donald Trump signed two executive orders on March 31 targeting trade abuses.

The orders aim to decrease trade deficit and make trade fairer for the United States.

“During the campaign, I traveled the nation and visited the cities and towns devastated by unfair trade policies, probably one of the major reasons I’m here today—trade.  Nobody has ever made bad trade deals like our country has made,” said the president.

“Thousands of factories have been stolen from our country. But these voiceless Americans now have a voice in the White House. Under my administration, the theft of American prosperity will end. We’re going to defend our industry and create a level playing field for the American worker—finally.”  

The first executive order punishes foreign importers who sell goods at artificially low prices in the United States and forcing domestic goods out of the market.

“I’m signing an executive order to ensure that we fully collect all duties imposed on foreign importers that cheat. From now on, those who break the rules will face consequences—and they’ll be very severe consequences,” said Trump.

The second order calls for a comprehensive review of U.S. trade deficits and all violations of trade rules that harm the United States. The review will be led by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

“We’re going to investigate all trade abuses, and, based on those findings, we will take necessary and lawful action to end those many abuses,” said Trump. “I am not beholden to any political or financial interest. I don’t care. I’m here to do a job.”

“I work for the American people. Whether you’re a Democrat, a Republican, or belong to no party at all, you are an American and I’m here to represent you and your family. We’re going to get these bad trade deals straightened out.”

The president also cited his decision to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership as part of his efforts make trade fairer for the United States.

Trump will meet with Chinese leader Xi Jinping next week in Florida. Trade talks are on the agenda.