Pro Basketball Player Who Blamed Heart Problem on COVID Vaccine Dies During Exercise Test

Wim De Gent
By Wim De Gent
June 26, 2023Vaccines
Pro Basketball Player Who Blamed Heart Problem on COVID Vaccine Dies During Exercise Test
A basketball goes through a hoop in a 2017 file photo. (Nicolas Tucat/AFP/Getty Images)

Dominican basketball player Óscar Cabrera Adames, who previously claimed he developed myocarditis after taking the Pfizer vaccine, died suddenly this week while reportedly undergoing an exercise test.

The news was revealed by Hector Gomez, a Dominican sports analyst, on Instagram on June 22.

According to Gomez, Cabrera suffered a lethal heart attack in a medical facility in Santo Domingo “after performing some physical tests trying to return to basketball.” He was 28.

“I got a damn Myocarditis from taking a [expletive] vaccine, (I got 2 doses of Pfizer),” Cabrera wrote on social media after he collapsed during a 2021 Amateur Basketball League match in Spain.

“I knew it! Many people warned me. But guess what?” he said. “It was mandatory or I couldn’t work.”

“I am an international professional athlete,” Cabrera continued, “I have no health problems at all, nothing hereditary, no asthma, NOTHING! Suddenly I collapsed on the floor in the middle of a game and almost died.”

Cabrera said he underwent 11 tests, but doctors were unable to determine what had caused the myocarditis.

“They found nothing. I have no cholesterol, no fat, nothing!” Cabrera said. “They can’t find the damn cause of myocarditis! Eleven tests and they can’t find anything in one of the best hospitals in Spain!”

Cabrera said doctors told him he wouldn’t be able to play for at least 5 months.

He ended his message with a warning: “Don’t take it,” he said “It’s Russian roulette they are playing. A lot of selfish people who don’t know what to do with their lives will say they got it and nothing happened. Well, thank God and pray for those who did.”

Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle, with its most common symptoms being decreased ability for physical activity, chest pains, and shortness of breath.

In most cases, the illness is caused by viral or bacterial infections, including hepatitis C, herpes, and COVID-19. Adverse reactions to medication such as antipsychotics and antibiotics can, in some cases, also trigger the disease. In some instances, children developed myocarditis after receiving vaccinations for several diseases, including smallpox.

According to a study from the American Academy of Pediatrics, risk of myocarditis “is 37 times higher for infected children under 16 years and seven times higher for infected people ages 16-39 compared to their uninfected peers.”

Cabrera Adames was the nephew of Hugo Cabrera, a Dominican Sports Hall of Famer, and played basketball at Daytona State College in Florida.

In 2016, he was one of 12 men arrested by St. Johns County Sheriff’s deputies during an undercover sting operation for allegedly attempting to engage in sexual acts with a minor. Cabrera was not convicted.