Professor Seeing Shen Yun Says ‘I’m hopeful for humanity’

Nérée St-Amand, a Professor at the School of Social Work at the University of Ottawa, left the theater so inspired, he thought he might come back the next day to see Shen Yun Performing Arts all over again.

“Unfortunately it’s the first time, but I hope it’s not the last time. Because I got so much out of this and there’re so many lessons to learn from all these sketches and all these presentations,” said St-Amand. “I want to come back, really, seriously want to come back, maybe tomorrow.”

For St-Amand, it was the sheer volume and quality of content that elicited this immediate reaction. He said, there was much to think about, after seeing the dance performance at National Arts Centre on Dec. 29.

“You see it in so many ways and so many values that come out of each presentation. Generosity, compassion, and loving each other, purity, beauty, humanity, survival of humanity, and all this, you see it everywhere.

“So we want to bring the best of the culture. And it brings me back to the fact that we come from the heavens, all come from the heavens, and that’s where we want to return. But in doing that, what we’re doing now sometimes brings us away from heaven into some material values, into some financial values, whatever it is. But in terms of values, we have got go back to the basic values that can help humanity to survive.

“It’s a very evolved conception of love, like divine love, like the angels and all the beauty of heaven that comes down here, that’s expressing what real love is. I found very very spiritual, very beautiful, very elevating for myself and the instruments present that as well.”

“Like I said, that makes me cry, because it’s so elevating, it’s so pure, it’s so beautiful. It’s so divine. So it kind of brings me back to the first idea of where is heaven, and heaven is here when you hear the Erhu and when you see these beautiful movements and colors and music and all this and the lessons that are behind this. I’m hopeful for Humanity”

NTD News, Ottawa, Canada