This 90 year old man can effortlessly do 24 pull-ups, talk about being in great shape!

This 90 year old man can effortlessly do 24 pull-ups, talk about being in great shape!

This 90-year-old man is almost more athletic than the average youngster! Even with his advanced age, he can still do 24 pull-ups effortlessly. Even after doing all those pull ups, he still seems to have energy and isn’t even worn out yet.

While fmost 90-year-olds would be happy to even pull themselves up like this a few times, for this gentleman it’s just routine fitness. There is no need to worry that this elderly gentleman will be able to blow out all his birthday candles!

Even for his birthday celebration, this outstanding man preferred to go to the gym, to show to the world his degree of fitness. Enjoy this video below how seemingly effortlessly this old man can do his pull-ups: