Raheem Kassam: Radical Left-Wing Platforms Give Trump ‘Wiggle Room’ in Election

Miguel Moreno
By Miguel Moreno
June 22, 2019Politics

NEW YORK—Conservative leaders gathered in the heart of progressivism to discuss politics and encourage the young Republicans of New York to take a firm stance against the far-left.

The New York Young Republican Club hosted its June Speaker Series on June 21. New York City Councilman Joe Borelli, Jack Posobiec from One America News Network, and Editor-in-Chief of Human Events, Raheem Kassam, described the battle between American and progressive ideologies.

Despite the partisan conflict, Kassam said that the Democrats may be doing the president a service by proposing radical socialism.

“Well, I think it’s interesting, the Democrats are giving president Trump a lot of wiggle room in this election,” said Kassam in an interview with NTD News. “They’re pulling further to the left, they’re proposing things that Americans don’t see as Americans—open borders and the Green New Deal—and all these things.”

No Choice for New York Mayor

New York’s Mayor de Blasio is among the 23 Democratic candidates and was in support of the socialist Green New Deal, announced by Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. He also announced a universal health care plan in January that would include coverage for illegal immigrants.

The mayor set off to campaign in Iowa in May.

But Borelli said Iowa was void of presidential prospects for de Blasio: “Literally, not one person, in one poll, they could not find one blessed human in Iowa to say, ‘Yeah, what you got going on in New York, I want that for America,'” he said.

A Des Moines Poll conducted for CNN showed that de Blasio was no one’s first or second choice for president.

“If you go to most places in America that aren’t New York City, and aren’t Los Angeles, people don’t identify with the modern Democratic party at all,” he said.

Many Democrat candidates have voiced support for the socialist Green New Deal, abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and removing the electoral college.