Bringing smiles on rainy days, check out this rain-activated art

Bringing smiles on rainy days, check out this rain-activated art

Rainworks is an interesting kind of art: Invisible by sun, but comes to life in the rain. This rain-activated art begins to show as soon as drops hit the pavement. It essentially works in a kind of reverse for a rainy day. The Rainworks spray makes the ground remain dry in the rain wherever it has been sprayed, and the water then flows around the pattern. Creating Rainworks art is easy – all you need is to place a paper or plastic pattern on the street, apply the spray and, there you have it. These Rainworks art pieces can brighten up an otherwise dreary day, and hopefully gives people more of a reason to look forward to wet days and smile more often.

Of course, some impatient people wanting to discover the otherwise hidden locations of the Rainworks art pieces are known to just carry water bombs. Throwing a water bomb on the ground is certainly the most efficient way of uncovering all the rain-activated art on the street.

Gather around and watch the positive messages pop out on a rainy day in this video: