Rare mono-mono twins who were born holding hands, now share an amazing bond of love and togetherness!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 18, 2017Stories
Rare mono-mono twins who were born holding hands, now share an amazing bond of love and togetherness!

A would be mother was diagnosed with a rare risky pregnancy, in which her twins only had 50 percent chance of survival. But how these unborn twins supported each other in their mother’s womb is truly amazing.

Sarah Thistlethwaite and Bill from Orrville, Ohio, were expecting their rare “mono-mono” twins and they were fully aware of the risk involved in their birth.

In mono-mono twins the unborn babies share the same amniotic sac, and during development the umblical cords of the babies might strangle each other — wherein the babies have a 50 percent chance of survival.

But like it was predestined that the two adorable babies will be born safely, surprising their parents and all the doctors at each step of their development, and even during delivery. This is their incredible story!


Sarah, a mathematics teacher, after having come to know about the risk of her pregnancy had to be very careful and had to monitor the condition of health of the babies in the womb.

As soon as she completed her sixth month, the doctors admitted her to the hospital.


Dr. Mancuso, who was looked after the mother and twins throughout their journey, is the director of the fetal treatment center at Akron Children’s Hospital.

“It’s the rarest form of twinning and it carries the most risk which was due to sharing the same amniotic sac, their umbilical cords can become tangled as they’re growing and moving which can cut off blood supply to one or both twins,” Dr. Mancuso told the PEOPLE.
Hence the twins survival was questionable.
During the next 57 days at the hospital the babies were regularly monitored so that the the babies cords do not get entangled and also their heart rates till the time of delivery. Finally, the doctors performed Cesarean section and the twins were born – just a few days before Mother’s Day in 2014.
“Everything went perfectly,” Sarah said. “It was the most amazing and beautiful moment.”
During the entire process, there are many emotional struggles that these parents went through, along with their one year old son Jaxson.


These twins have a special bond that started long before the actual birth; now they are two-year-old and are the best friends more like best friends forever!
The parents shared that if they are separated for sometime, like if their father takes one of them for shopping and the other stays at home with the mother, each one is worried about the other. Not only this, but its amazing to watch when one of the twin is upset the other pats on the back to comfort her.
After two years, Jillian seems to be becoming a daredevil and Jenna is more cautious and careful. Both of them like the same foods, same toys, love going out, and swimming together.
It would be interesting for these parents to watch the relationship of their twins as they grow up and face life. These little souls taught the world one amazing lesson of unconditional love and support. Indeed!

This story was originally published on the people.com.