Reality After Inviting Migrant Surge; Critical Race Theory vs Students; Pacifying With iPads

With illegal immigration effectively getting a green light from the White House, the migrant surge continues.

In Panama, investigative journalist and war correspondent Michael Yon describes the hellish journey people are making through the dense jungle of the Darien Pass to come north, while they can.

And Todd Bensman, Senior National Security Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, says border patrol agents at the Rio Grande River in Texas have given up. Instead of arresting smugglers, they’re working with them.

Then in America Q&A we ask, have you heard of critical race theory?

If you haven’t, Texas Public Policy Foundation writer and high school debating coach, Roy Maynard describes how critical race theory has utterly changed the time-honored institution.

And in our second America Q&A we check in to see if you think big tech has too much power in your life.

Finally, tantrums, toddlers and technology. What happens when parents pacify a meltdown with an iPad? researcher Sarah M. Coyne is trying to find out.

Watch the whole episode on Epoch TV.