Report: Lawyer Arranged Payments for Women to Publicly Accuse Trump

Jasper Fakkert
By Jasper Fakkert
December 15, 2017US News
Report: Lawyer Arranged Payments for Women to Publicly Accuse Trump
Attorney Lisa Bloom announces the cancellation of a press conference for alleged Trump accuser 'Jane Doe' on Nov. 2, 2016 in Woodland Hills, California. (Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)

Lisa Bloom, a prominent lawyer, was seeking payments from donors and media organizations for women who had made allegations of sexual misconduct against Donald Trump, or those who were considering making such allegations.

The Hill reported on Friday that in one case, Bloom arranged a donor to pay off the mortgage of one of Trump’s accusers.

In another case, Bloom tried to sell the story of a woman to media organizations.

One woman was offered as much as $750,000 to come forward with allegations,  The Hill reported based on contractual documents, emails, and text messages. The women reportedly decided not to accept the offer in the end.

The bombshell report may call into question the allegations that have been leveled against Trump.

Bloom herself also benefitted financially from the arrangement, receiving as much as 33 percent of the money the women received for media appearances, according to The Hill.

The Hill also reported that the emails and text messages showed that “Bloom held a strong dislike of Trump.”

One exchange of text messages between Bloom and one woman reportedly showed that political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort.

When contacted by The Hill, Bloom refused to name the donors. She claimed that she had not been in contact with the Clinton campaign, but refused to tell the media whether she has been in contact with super PACs supporting then-Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

While Bloom has defended women in prominent harassment cases in the past, she has also defended controversial celebrities accused of wrongdoing.

NTD Photo
Kathy Griffin (R) and her attorney Lisa Bloom speak during a press conference at The Bloom Firm on June 2, 2017 in Woodland Hills, California. (Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)

Earlier this year, she represented Hollywood Mogul Harvey Weinstein who has since been accused by over 50 women of improper sexual behavior.

Bloom also represented Kathy Griffin following public outrage over a photo-shoot she did with a fake, bloody severed head of President Trump. Griffin was investigated by the Secret Service following the incident.

Bloom is the daughter of Gloria Allred, who has also represented women making allegations against Trump.

Allred also represented one of the women accusing Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct. A yearbook inscription presented by Allred as proof came under question after accuser Beverly Young Nelson said last week that she had written part of the message herself.

President Trump called out Allred last Friday at a rally in Pensacola, Florida, saying “Gloria Allred, anytime you see her, you know something is going wrong.”

Trump has said that the accusations against him have been fabricated and that he has never met any of the women in question.

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