Report Shows Bias in Election Reminders: Allum Bokhari

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 10, 2020NTD Evening News

Breitbart News senior tech correspondent Allum Bokhari wrote: “#Deleted: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal the Election.”

He says Google has been pretty brazen in its support for Joe Biden this election.

“Six months before the election, Google made a major algorithm change. And after that algorithm change, Dutch impressions and clicks to Breitbart News, which is, of course, a new source that I worked for, it’s quite critical of Joe Biden, clicks and impressions, went to zero and stayed there, right up until Election Day,” said Bokhari.

When they reached out to Google, the company said it was normal and part of its search policies.

Bokhari found that instead, for a number of days before the election, only liberals were getting get out the vote reminders.

He says Silicon Valley is extremely left-wing and this censorship is happening during the most contested U.S. election in living memory.

He said Big Tech censoring the President is one way to fuel a conspiracy.

NTD news is committed to reporting the facts of the election. The winner of the election will not be confirmed until all votes are recorded and any legal action has been concluded.