Rescued Miniature Horse Frolics in Missouri Stable

By Reuters
March 20, 2019Trending

Meet Martha, a 5-month-old miniature horse who has experienced several health issues including deformed front legs.

A sanctuary owner rescued Martha from a horse breeder, who had tried to sell her as a Christmas present in December last year.

“She could barely support her own body weight. We rushed her to our equine clinic where she ended up staying for three days. Once we were able to bring her home, we treated Martha for various issues and between my daughter and I, took turns feeding her foal milk every two hours,” the owner of the sanctuary for miniature horses R&R Ranch, Stacy Rolfe told Reuters.

This miniature horse is a better dancer than me ????????Credit: JukinVideo

NTD Television 发布于 2019年2月28日周四

The video, filmed by Rolfe’s daughter Belle, shows Martha after receiving treatment for a couple of months with ranchers laughing with joy at her recovery.

“She is delightfully happy and we beam inside at her happiness,” Rolfe said.