The rolling bridge that curls and wins awards

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 12, 2017Style
The rolling bridge that curls and wins awards

At first it’s quite inconspicuous, a bridge made of steel and timber crossing a little canal section in Paddigton. When you look at it all folded up like origami to a octagonal sculpture you won’t think of a bridge at all.

The bridge spans twelve meters across a little canal and allows boats to be moored in its inlet. Manufactured from triangular segments, hydraulic rams folding the handrails in-between the sections enabling the bridge to curl and open the waterway.

The bridge was constructed elsewhere and transported to its current location by boat the so called Rolling bridge is a true one-off. A corporation by Heatherwick Design Studio and the structural engineers SKM Anthony Hunts are responsible for its construction.

Since its opening in Autumn of 2014, the bridge has won an Emerging Architecture Award as well as a Structural Steel Award.