Rubio Presses McKinsey Over Beijing Ties

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 18, 2020NTD News Today

Senator Marco Rubio is doubling down on his search for answers over McKinsey and Company’s involvement with Beijing. In a new letter, Rubio presses the company to respond to questions about its dealings with the communist regime. He also asks how such relationships could impact the United States.

Rubio also notes McKinsey evaded certain questions, such as whether any of the work was in areas of critical national interest to the United States, like health care, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, and military or civil defense. He also asked what precautions the company has in place to “ensure that work done on behalf of the U.S.” does not inform its work for the CCP.

Rubio says he’s concerned, given McKinsey helped Beijing with its Belt and Road Initiative. Rubio says he remains concerned McKinsey is aiding the CCP in its efforts to overthrow the United States. And questions whether the United States should continue using McKinsey, given security risks.