Rudy Giuliani: ‘I’m the Legitimate Whistleblower’

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
September 27, 2019US News
Rudy Giuliani: ‘I’m the Legitimate Whistleblower’
President Donald Trump's lawyer and former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani in Washington on May 5, 2018. (Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

Rudy Guliani declared himself the “legitimate whistleblower” because he exposed the alleged corruption of the former Vice President Joe Biden and his son.

Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, defended his decision to talk with Ukranian authorities about Biden’s alleged corruption in an interview with Laura Ingraham from Fox News on Sep. 26.

“I actually think they should all congratulate me because if it weren’t for me, nobody would be—nobody would have uncovered and faced massive corruption by the vice president of the United States. In fact, I’m the legitimate whistleblower. I have uncovered—I have uncovered corruption that this Washington swamp has been covering up effectively for years. And here’s State Department, you know, asked me to do this. So, Mike [Pompeo], if you’re unhappy with me, I’m sorry, but I accomplished my mission. I even have—you didn’t put up the last one about how good my conversation was. We have that text here, too.”

Giuliani and the Trump administration believe Joe Biden engaged in corruption and that they have the responsibility to expose it as their duty under the law.

hunter biden
Vice President Joe Biden (C) tours a Hutong alley with his son Hunter Biden (L) and granddaughter Finnegan Biden (R) during an official visit to Beijing, China, on Dec. 5, 2013. (Andy Wong-Pool/Getty Images)

President Donald Trump talked to the Ukranian president on the phone and asked him to investigate if Joe Biden had the top Ukraine prosecutor fired for looking into Hunter Biden, Joe’s son.

On Sep. 25, Trump asked for transparency on for the alleged whistleblower who filed a complaint about Trump’s phone call with Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky.

Trump said he told Republican members and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) that he “fully supports transparency on the so-called whistleblower information, even though it was secondhand information, which is interesting.”

“But also insist on transparency from Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden on the millions of dollars that have quickly and easily taken out of Ukraine and China. Millions of dollars, millions and millions of dollars taken out very rapidly while he was vice president and I think he should have transparency about that,” Trump said at a press conference at the United Nations.

On Sep. 24, the GOP Chairwoman said Biden should release his Transcripts of the calls with leaders of Ukraine and China.

“Now that the President has authorized the release of the transcript of his call with President Zelensky, we call on Biden to release the transcripts of his calls as Vice President with Ukrainian and Chinese leaders while his son was conducting shady business deals in those countries.”