Russia May Use Rubles for US Dollar Debt; Conflict Halts Half of World’s Neon Supply | NTD Business

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 14, 2022NTD Business

Russia is saying it may pay its foreign debt in rubles instead, not in their original currency, after Western sanctions freeze some of its assets.

The war is hitting the neon supply in Ukraine and halting half the world’s output for chips. The crucial chip ingredient may have to be found elsewhere for now.

China is locking down a city of 17 million, an important manufacturing hub. Will it affect the global supply chain?

A Yale professor says he figured out a way to make negotiations more principled and fair. How can it help you through inflation?

Superstar quarterback Tom Brady is un-retiring and returning to the Buccaneers. What did he have to say about the decision?