Russia to Lose ‘Most Favored Nation’ Status; Truckers Face Skyrocketing Fuel Costs | NTD Business

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 11, 2022NTD Business

The West is further escalating sanctions against Russia. The United States, together with Europe, is set to end normal trade relations with the country, making it more difficult for Russia to do business with the West.

Activist investors confront Disney over its relationship with the Chinese regime and the company’s race-based employee training.

Electric vehicle batteries could be one of the most important technologies of the future. There are real concerns that we might have to rely on communist China for those batteries.

Major League Baseball is back. The MLB and players have agreed on a new labor deal, after talking for over three months. When is the first game?

A professional pianist turned baker wows customers with her cakes, which look like fresh bouquets of flowers or even works of art.