Sarah Huckabee Sanders reads aloud letter from 9-Year-Old Trump fan, it’s going viral

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
July 28, 2017US News
Sarah Huckabee Sanders reads aloud letter from 9-Year-Old Trump fan, it’s going viral
Sarah Huckabee Sanders briefs the press at the White House in Washington, on July 12, 2017. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images)

On Wednesday afternoon July 26, the White House launched a new tradition—reading out loud letters from children to the president, as part of the daily press briefing.

Newly appointed White House secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders now has the special honor of reading those letters.

One letter that garnered attention at the briefing was from a 9-year-old boy named Dylan.

“My name is Dylan but every body calls me Pickle,” read Sanders on Wednesday from her podium. “I’m 9 years old and you are my favorit president. I like you so much I had a birthday about you. My cake was the shap of your hat.”

In the letter, “Pickle” asked the president some questions including “How big is the White Hose” and “How much monny do you have?”

The letter was so popular that reporters asked Sanders to provide them with a copy of the letter, which she said she would do after blacking out Pickle’s last name, according to the Washington Post. 

In a tweet posted on Wednesday, Sanders revealed a photo of the single notebook page the letter was written on. The caption she wrote says, “Dylan aka Pickle thank you for your letter and hope to meet you soon!”

The tweet by Huckabee Sanders has been retweeted over 989 times as of this writing and liked by 3,860 others. It even started a new hashtag #PickleTruther—the term spread quickly on Twitter.

Some in the media claimed the letter was fake, but an examination by the Washington Post confirmed the letter was real after getting in contact with the mother of the boy.

After searching arduously on Facebook the Post got in contact with the mother Thursday night. She said she got a call on her mobile the day before from the White House telling her that her son’s letter would be read aloud.

The mother, identified as SueAnn, said she doesn’t consider herself to be a very political person but she fully supports her child’s love for Trump. So when “Pickle,” asked for a “Donald Trump suit” and “a Donald Trump Cake” she made him one by herself, since she couldn’t find a bakery willing and able to do it.

Pickle asked his mom one day “Do you think Donald Trump will live to be 100?” SueAnn replied saying she did not know and asked why he wanted to know. He replied, “Because then he can watch me be president.”

The mom told the Post he had been talking about the writing the letter for at least a month before he got over his nerve to write the piece.

“Yes. He’s alive,” SueAnn said. “He’s real. He’s not fake.”
After Sean Spicer announced his resignation last week on Friday, July 21, Huckabee Sanders was appointed to the job on the same day.