Is this an Ent, or just a man dressed in a tree costume?

Is this an Ent, or just a man dressed in a tree costume?

Do you like trees? You may have planted trees, climbed trees, or at least sat in the shadow of one on a hot summer day.

But have you ever been dressed as a tree? Maybe so, if you had to act in a school play for instance. But I doubt you’ve ever tried to walk backwards in this clumsy, yet impressive tree costume.

This weird ‘tree man’ very much resembles an Ent, like you might find in JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series, except he walks backwards! He is also carrying two open topped gourds on his sticks, which were traditionally used for alcohol in ancient China. You can throw money inside the gourds if you appreciate his performance.

This peculiar performance is really quite eye-catching. Maybe it can help raise awareness of tree preservation? What do you think? Share your thoughts with us!