School Teacher out on Bail After 2 Sexual Assaults

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
August 2, 2018Australia
School Teacher out on Bail After 2 Sexual Assaults
Photo of the Melbourne Magistrate's Court as of November 17, 2018. (Google Street View)

A 34-year-old maths teacher was convicted for the sexual assault of a Year 11 girl with an intellectual disability and a Year 12 girl at a high school in Sunshine, Melbourne.

Grabski assaulted the intellectually disabled Year 11 girl after she sat next to him to work on her origami project. He attempted to contact her via email in the days following the assault.

He assaulted the Year 12 girl in a separate incident while explaining a mathematical problem at a homework club after school in the library. He told her to keep it a secret, and attempted to contact her via email after the event, 9News reported.

Grabski used both his private email account, [email protected], and the school email system to attempt contact with his victims, 9News reported.

When police used a warrant to search Grabski’s home, they collected hard drives, a computer and a handwritten account of the sexual assault of one of the students, The Age reported.

One of the victims said that she felt scared and violated after the assault, leading her to be absent from school and losing her friends in the process.

Magistrate Jon Klenstadt found Richard Grabski guilty of committing two acts of indecent assault against children under his care after a three day trial at Melbourne Magistrate’s Court on July 31, The Age reported.

“Although the indecent acts themselves fall at the lower end of the scale, the matter has been aggravated first by your position as a teacher and the fact that you have shown no remorse for your behaviour,” said Klenstadt, “A term of imprisonment is appropriate.”

Grabski was sentenced to two four-month gaol terms, to be served concurrently. After serving his sentence, he will spend 18-months in community corrections and be placed on the sex offenders registry for 15 years.

The 34-year-old immediately lodged an appeal against the conviction and sentence, and was released on appeal bail.