Scotland restarts independence talks amid Brexit turmoil

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 28, 2017World News

Scotland’s Parliament has backed a new independence referendum in the wake of Brexit. The referendum was brought forth by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. She feels that Scots should start thinking about independence again while Brexit negotiations are ongoing. She feels Scots should have the option to choose whether to remain in the European Union or not.

Both Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in the European Union, while Wales and England voted to leave. Sturgeon hopes an independence movement can reach a different result than the 2014 action. Scotland’s hopes for independence three years ago were lost in a 55 to 45 percent vote in favor of remaining a part of the U.K.

If the current action is successful, Scotland will negotiate the terms of the referendum before Brexit has taken effect but after all its terms are clear, between autumn 2018 and spring 2019.