Scottish Woman Wakes Up With Surprise Baby Bump, Gives Birth an Hour Later

Simon Veazey
By Simon Veazey
April 5, 2019World News
Scottish Woman Wakes Up With Surprise Baby Bump, Gives Birth an Hour Later
A woman makes a heart with her hands over her pregnant belly. (Suhyeon Choi/Unsplash)

A Scottish woman who had no idea she was pregnant woke up with a baby bump and gave birth just 45 minutes later, according to local reports.

Nineteen-year-old Emmalouise Leggate gave birth to her daughter, weighing 7 pounds, 12ounces, in a Glasgow hospital car park.

She told the Scottish Daily Record she had gone to bed with a “flat stomach” the night before.

“I hadn’t taken a pregnancy test, I had no symptoms, nothing,” she said.

“The doctors couldn’t explain why I didn’t have a bump. They just told me that she must have been sitting in my lower back and that it is quite common.”

“People tend to find out around their 20-week scan once the baby starts to kick, but Ciara never kicked. I never felt her do it.”

Posted by Emmalouise Leggate on Friday, March 22, 2019


Caira, who was born on July 17 last year and is Leggate’s second child.

But unlike her first pregnancy, none of the tell-tale signs were there.

She puts her absent periods down to being on the pill.

“I had no bump,” she said, according to the Metro. “I had put on a bit of weight, so my mum was suggesting we go out walking and do different things to burn it off because I kept going on about my weight.”

“The weight was across my full body, more in my arms, legs, and face than anywhere else. My stomach never grew.”

She told the Daily Record that her bump popped up “out of the blue that one morning.”

“I had woken up and you could tell it was a bump. It was dead high up.”

Emmalouise had been on the pill, and says she had no idea she was pregnant.

Posted by Metro on Friday, April 5, 2019


She called up her grandmother, who rushed round and then drove her granddaughter to the hospital.

“My Nanna kept saying ‘It’s definitely a baby but I don’t think you’re ready to give birth just now because of how high up you are.'”

Posted by Emmalouise Leggate on Tuesday, April 2, 2019

“By the time I got in the car the contractions were coming every two minutes and then my water broke.”

“We had just parked up outside the hospital and my nanna was saying, ‘wait five minutes, can you not just wait five minutes?’ … and I just couldn’t.”

Emmalouise and her partner describe Caira “the best thing that could have happened,” reported the Metro.

Emmalouise woke up with a baby bump and was rushed to hospital, but ended up giving birth in the car park.

Posted by LADbible on Thursday, April 4, 2019

Last month a Bangladeshi woman who had no clue she was pregnant gave birth to twins just 26 days after giving birth to her last baby.

The Bangladeshi woman had no idea she was carrying twins in a second uterus until doctors performed a scan when she was rushed to the hospital on March 22 suffering stomach pains.

Arifa Sultana Iti, 20, had given birth to a  premature baby on Feb 25, according to local reports. But during the pregnancy, she never had the ultrasound that would have revealed a rare second uterus, let alone the fact that inside it twins were growing.

“She didn’t realize she was still pregnant with the twins. Her water broke again 26 days after the first baby was born and she rushed to us,” Sheila Poddar, a gynecologist who treated the woman, told AFP.

She was rushed to the Ad-din Hospital in Jessore District where doctors delivered twins by emergency caesarian section—a boy and a girl—after scans revealed two wombs.

Having two uteruses is not as rare as some people think, Singapore gynecologist Christopher Ng told the BBC, and would usually be picked up easily during pregnancy.

“If you go for a scan beforehand it would be very obvious to see two sets of uteruses. But obviously, they are from a more rural area [and might not have access to ultrasound scanning],” he said.

From The Epoch Times