Senate Majority Leader McConnell Wins 7th Term in Kentucky

Petr Svab
By Petr Svab
November 3, 20202020 Election
Senate Majority Leader McConnell Wins 7th Term in Kentucky
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) speaks to the press and his supporters during a campaign stop in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, on Oct. 28, 2020. (Jon Cherry/Getty Images)

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) successfully defended his seat against Democratic challenger Amy McGrath on Nov. 3.

McConnell, who’s represented Kentucky in the Senate for the past 36 years, handily crushed his opponent. With 58 percent of local precincts reporting, he held 63 percent of the vote versus McGrath’s 33 percent, making his victory a statistical certainty.

He’s been the leader of Senate Republicans since 2006 and is expected to continue in that role.

Confirming Trump’s Judges

McConnell’s leadership has been instrumental in helping President Donald Trump enact his agenda, particularly on confirming judicial nominations. The Senate has confirmed 220 Trump-appointed federal judges, including three Supreme Court Justices: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

McConnell said on Oct. 30 that he plans to move forward with filling two vacancies in the circuit courts regardless of the election outcome.

Democrats hold a grudge against McConnell particularly for leading the speedy confirmation of Barrett, who was sworn in eight days before the election without a single Democrat raising a hand for her.

Stimulus Package

McConnell’s first order of business after the election will be to negotiate a stimulus package to help Americans deal with economic damage caused by lockdowns imposed by state authorities in response to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic.

He said on Oct. 30 that the package will likely be passed early next year, but needs to be leaner than what Democrats have been proposing.

“We probably need to do another package, certainly more modest than the $3 trillion [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi package. I think that’ll be something we’ll need to do right at the beginning of the year,” he said.

“We could target it particularly at small businesses that are struggling, and hospitals that are now dealing with the second wave of the coronavirus, and of course the challenges for education, both K-12 and college.”

Amy McGrath Holds Campaign Rally In Louisville, Kentucky
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Amy McGrath speaks during an Early Vote rally at Lynn Family Stadium in Louisville, Kentucky, on Oct. 27, 2020. (Jon Cherry/Getty Images)


McGrath is a former Marine Corps fighter pilot, the first woman to hold that job. Shortly after leaving service in 2017, she ran for Kentucky’s 6th congressional district, but lost to incumbent Republican Andy Barr in 2018 by 3.2 points. The relatively small margin suggested her as a viable candidate in the deep red state. But McConnell, with Trump on the ticket, proved out of her league.

The results so far indicate local polling (pdf) massively overstated McGrath’s chances, putting her 9 points behind McConnell in mid-October.

Kentucky will accept mail-in ballots postmarked on or before Election Day up until Nov. 6. But as of Nov. 1, there were only about 80,000 ballots outstanding, not nearly enough to challenge McConnell’s winning margin, even if every single one was returned in time and voted Democrat.

GOP Senate

Republicans hold a 53-47 majority in the Senate, but face a particularly tough election battle this year, defending 23 seats compared to Democrats’ 12.

“It’s a 50-50 proposition,” McConnell said of the GOP prospects to hold the chamber. “We have a lot of exposure. This is a huge Republican class.”

Republicans were expected to flip one seat in Alabama on one hand, but also lose one each in Colorado and Maine. A number of other races appeared close.

The battle came down to “dogfights all over the country,” McConnell said.

Follow Petr on Twitter: @petrsvab

From The Epoch Times