7-year-old dreamer writes a letter to Google CEO for a job and he sends an inspiring reply

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 24, 2017Stories
7-year-old dreamer writes a letter to Google CEO for a job and he sends an inspiring reply

Children are amazing dreamers! A seven-year-old girl from England wrote a letter to the Google CEO for a job and he wrote back, encouraging her to dream big because ‘if you keep working hard and following your dreams, you can accomplish everything you set your mind to’.

Andy Bridgewater, recently tweeted a picture of the letter that his 7-year-old daughter, Chloe received from Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google. Chloe had sent a letter addressed to ‘Google Boss’ seeking a job.

“My name is Chloe and when I am bigger I would like a job with Google,” she wrote in her letter. “My dad told me to give you an application to get a job in google. I really don’t know what one of them is but he said a letter will do for now.”


The little girl wrote to “Google Boss” that she loves computers and robots, and that her teachers tell her parents that she’s very “good in class and good at (her) spelling and reading and (her) sums.”

“I also want to work in a chocolate factory and do swimming in the Olympics,” she wrote.

In his reply, Sundar Pichai, one of the highest paid chief executives in the world, was appreciative of Chloe’s interests in technology. “I’m glad that you like computers and robots, and hope that you’ll continue to learn about technology,” he wrote.


The Google CEO wrote to Chloe that he looks forward to receiving her job application when she finishes school.

Chloe’s letter became immensely popular with netizens and media reporters who sought her father for interviews.

In another tweet Andy shared that Chloe was thrilled to receive a reply from Sundar Pichai. “This beautiful little girl is my daughter! Well done my angel! Mum and I are so proud,” he said.


Image Credit: Andy Bridgewater