Shen Yun a Force For Light That Shines in The Darkness, Says Author

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 28, 2019Shen Yun

Our Spiritual Roots

Shen Yun performances in St. Petersburg, Florida, left audience members deeply impressed.

Trevor Loudon, a famous author, saw Shen Yun on Feb. 24. He said he was blown away by every aspect of the performance, but what stuck with him the most was the spirituality and the message behind it.

“We were put here on Earth with a mission, we’ve forgotten our mission but we’ve been forgiven. You’ve still got a chance, you can still come through this, but we have to rediscover those virtues and rediscover our innate spirituality. We have to concur the evil of the world and have to fulfill our promises to the Creator,” Loudon said. “So I thought it was a very inspiring, very spiritual, and very positive message.”

Louden is also a filmmaker and public speaker on the topic of political policy. Originally from New Zealand, he resides in the United States.

He said this was his world view, and that Shen Yun’s performance gave him hope and inspiration for the future.

“It was [a] really bright, energetic performance, very hopeful and spiritual,” Loudon said. “I think the performance showed to me that good will overcome evil and that we have to keep persevering and show forbearance and carry on. But we can win this, but we have to rediscover those virtues within ourselves. It showed the evil of life and the good of life, and that the good is more powerful and will prevail.”

Good Versus Evil

Loudon felt, in fact, that Shen Yun can help change the world a step in the right direction.

“I could not believe how much work would have gotten into this production,” he added. “And you saw in this production today what life should be like and how death and the evil forces are trying to destroy us. To me, it was a real illustration of the constant battle between good and evil, but the optimism of the production came through, and the faith and the confidence that the good will prevail.”

Although the world is full of evil, Loudon sees Shen Yun as the light that shines through the darkness.

“This [performance] is a force for light, and it’s spreading light all around the world to thousands of people every week. So I think that’s gotta be hugely beneficial and hugely inspiring to a large number of people,” Loudon said. “So the fact that this production is touring all over the world and is seen by thousands of people every week, ultimately that’s gonna make difference in the universe.”

“I thought this was a very powerful part of the presentation, very inspiring part of the presentation, and I thought it was just a great show. I can’t wait to see it again next time it comes around and can’t recommend it highly enough,” Loudon added.

NTD News, St. Petersburg, Florida