Shen Yun A Journey Through Many Centuries of China

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 8, 2019Shen Yun

Shen Yun Performing Arts brought Dutch audiences a taste of the spiritual culture from traditional China on Feb. 5 and 6 in Rotterdam, the famous port city of the Netherlands.

Inspired audiences gave thunderous applause after all three full-house performances at the Nieuwe Luxor Theater.

“The first impression about the show was about the energy and melting of cultures,” said Frans Zwetsloot, director pharma and healthcare from Keuhne + Nagel logistics company.

Zwetsloot came to see the show with his family of four. “It definitely resonates and brings the best out of people and brings the best up into yourself,” he added.

“It’s a splendid show. We came here as a present for my father-in-law, who traveled a lot to the East, and I wanted to offer him a piece of history from the Far East. And it definitely worked out, absolutely.”

Bas de Bruin is the managing partner of Renewable Energy Factory B.V., a sustainable energy company. He gave the Shen Yun performance as a 75th birthday gift to his father-in-law, who traveled a lot to the East,” I wanted to offer him a piece of history from the Far East, it definitely worked out, absolutely,” he said. “It took me into totally different culture, on a journey through many centuries of China where the beauty is shown in the form of dance.”

For actor Robert Rosier, the performance didn’t only make him laugh but it also brought him to tears. “Here and there is humor as well and I really enjoyed that a lot. And honestly, I have to cry again as I say it, there were also moments when I shed a tear,” he added. “I find it really marvelous. Also through the music, the stories, and the high level of the arts. But also, for example, I don’t know how to pronounce that, those people who follow the spiritual way were persecuted in China, that touched me.”

The skills of the performers have also amazed the audiences.

“I think that beauty is not just external, like in the costumes of the performance, but that the intention with which the dancers stand on the stage, and how they perform in a synchronized way, it definitely shows,” said de Bruin. “That’s their inner spirit that comes forth in their dance, yes, absolutely.”

“I like the variety between the gentle elegance of the woman and the masculine, strong men, that really appeals to me,” said Ad Schoenmakers, director of Ritra Cargo. “With all elegance and flexibility, power and strength, it is almost dive,” added Bernadette Kok, partner of ABBreda Life coaching.

“The excellent elegance and control, the ease, or at least it looks like it is easy for them how they fly through the air totally stretched and then land gracefully,” said Rosier. “You can see it in the finesse of the movement.”

After learning about Shen Yun’s mission, they expressed their appreciation and admired Shen Yun’s effort to revive traditional Chinese culture.

“And I think what you do here is bring this basic culture back to the current situation, the current world, and try to mingle them, we believe that is the basics, [culture] plus the future, and that combined brings us to another generation,” said Zwetsloot.

NTD News, Rotterdam, The Netherlands