Shen Yun enchants Mesa audiences with colorful display of Chinese culture and spirituality

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 24, 2017Entertainment

Shen Yun welcomed a full house at its closing performance in Mesa, Arizona, on March 22. The world-renowned classical Chinese dance show drew rave reviews from audiences. Many were touched by the colorful display of Chinese culture and spirituality presented on stage.

“To see something where you can watch it and enjoy it and enjoy the true beauty of things and be able to see past that, see the inner beauty, and to me to see the beauty of our creativity and the love of our Creator, to me was amazing. It was an incredible thing to see, that’s what I loved about it, the reflection of our creator, his creativity, and his love,” said Trish Cartwright, a student counselor.  

“I would say that is very colorful, very thematic, very informational, in terms of understanding heritage and culture, conflict, and harmony. You know, all of that brought together,” said Robbi Henrickson, a retired IBM executive.

“Very colorful, the colors jumped out at me, very bright and cheery, and their movement was just very graceful and beautiful,” said realtor Suzanne Davis.

“It’s totally upbeat. It is exciting. It comes across for every single age group. You could bring your children to this. For the older people, any age group can come to this and totally enjoy it,” said retired high school teacher Becky Smith.   

“It’s a combination of culture, dance, history. All in all, it hits just about everything and all of your senses,” she said.

Shen Yun will be performing next in Santa Barbara, California, and Burlington, Vermont.