Shen Yun is “captivating,” says counseling psychologist

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
April 29, 2017Entertainment

Shen Yun is “captivating” said counseling psychologist Gordon Swensen, who attended the April 26 performance in Salt Lake City, Utah.

“This is something unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The dance is just amazing and what they do with the music as well as the costume,” said Swensen.

He found the show enlightening.

“Obviously, there’s a lot of history and culture that a lot people don’t understand and they’re not able to see that, and so this production group actually makes—brings things to life that so many of us don’t have any idea about,” said the counselor.

Swensen also found inspiration in the stories told through dance.

“How to rise above some of the negative and the difficult stuff that’s happening in their lives, and make themselves into something new, and I think that’s one of the things I’d been able to pull from this performance tonight,” he said.

He appreciated the use of high-tech in the classical Chinese dance show.

“I was quite amazed that they were using so much of the new technology. Computer designed and animated, and made it really fun. It’s extremely valuable to have groups like this that can share something really unique to them, to their background, to history, but also to show that that diversity is a big part of what we’re all about,” said Swensen.

“Captivating, something that you won’t forget. Certainly better than ever expected. And just incredible talent and ability to tell story in a way that you just don’t normally see. I would certainly recommend it to anyone. This is something that we can share with family and our friends as well.”

Shen Yun is currently performing Downtown Los Angeles, California.