’A Celestial Presence’ in All of Shen Yun, Says Retired CEO

March 16, 2023

DENVER—”There’s a celestial presence in all of it. The dancing is otherworldly,” was how Mark Crossen, retired CEO and founder of Amrion, described Shen Yun Performing Arts.

Mr. Crossen and other patrons saw Shen Yun at the Buell Theatre in Denver, Colorado, in March.

“I really honor it and admire what you’re doing, and what they’re doing [Shen Yun], but the presentation itself is sort of an expression, in my opinion, of all that’s good about the Chinese culture and performance and the people of China that [are] not being properly represented in the world, so this is the most beautiful presentation I’ve seen,” Mr. Crossen said.

“The artists were terrific, and their talent is really amazing. The costumes were really beautiful and the colors were very vibrant,” said Richard Right, president of Katzson Brothers.

“They’re incredible athletes, and I appreciate the strength of the athletes and the dedication of years or dedication of practicing their art,” said Mark Gilman, president of Foxfire Development.

Shen Yun’s mission is to revive genuine traditional Chinese culture.

Mr. Gilman finally saw the performance after waiting for 2 years.

“I like the performance and the message that it sends out and to let people know throughout the world, you know, the impacts of things that are going on,” Mr. Gilman said.

“Woven in with storytelling and art, and the pantomime, the melodramatics of the dancers and everything just really brought so much of it to life,” said Christopher Robey, director of operations at The Lotus School for Excellence.

Since 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been eradicating China’s spiritual culture and freedom of belief, and as such Shen Yun can not perform in China.

Two of the story dances depict the Chinese regime’s persecution of Falun Gong—a peaceful meditation practice in the Buddhist tradition.

“I’ve heard about the pillars of that—that it’s compassion, honesty, and tolerance and that meditative practice. I think that’s what China needs more than anything today, so to stand up against that oppression is beautiful, and powerful and courageous,” Mr. Crossen said.

“I know that the government is suppressive, but I don’t think that the people themselves feel that way. I’ve been there, and they don’t seem to believe that. As a people—but the government, of course, controls a lot of things so I suspect that that’s what they project to the world,” Mr. Right said.

Audience members also shared about the themes of deep spirituality.

“If you believe in a higher being, then this is a very, very important work because it illustrates that there is a higher being, and it isn’t necessarily any particular religion, but it sort of fits with most religions,” Mr. Right said.

“It’s depicting life in another realm—a realm of beauty, and strength, and virtue, and all the things that I think every culture in the world would like to epitomize,” Mr. Crossen said.

NTD News, Denver, Colorado