Simple modification of a fork provides added security

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When setting the dinner table, there are rules. First, utensils are generally placed in the order that they are used; that is, from the outside in. Second, knives and spoons go to the right of the dinner plate. And never forget, no soup? No soup spoon! And finally, forks? Well, there is a special rule for forks that even we didn’t know about, but the guy in this video explains how the fork has multiple possibilities.

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Phil Crockett invented a way to use a modified fork as a door lock. Please note, this is post-dinner! The “Fork Lock” is easy to make and comes in very handy, depending on your neighborhood I suppose. Crockett says it can also be used as added security for a stay at a motel room, using a public restroom, or on any interior, or exterior door. BYOF (Bring Your Own Fork).