Sleepless father flying with a restless baby, gets relief in the form of a kind stranger

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 9, 2017Stories
Sleepless father flying with a restless baby, gets relief in the form of a kind stranger

Traveling with toddlers is always a challenge. It can a be car, plane or a train…the repeated questions of ‘are we there yet’ and urgent bathroom breaks can make the trip  feel like it is never ending. But fortunately, going on a journey with the little one’s isn’t all that bad too… but even the best of the parents need a break now and then.

Evan Hughes was having a seriously tough time with his 8-month-old son, after having to travel from Chicago in a separate flight from his wife due to bad weather. The couple were forced to take separate flights, and Evan, being the good husband, offered to take their son along with him. And It was only the second time in his life that his son was taking a flight, so the little guy was understandably fussy. Everything was going surprisingly well when the little toddler decided that he just had to get himself acquainted with the stranger sitting next to him.

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Being worried that the toddler maybe disturbing the lady in the next seat Evan unsuccesfully tried to keep his little one in check, but barely succeeding, after a few moments the lady next to him smilingly held out her arms and said, “Oh just give him to me!” An exhhausted Evan gratefully complied with the strangers offer.

Not even a minute passed before his son snuggled up to the strangers bosom and promptly fell fast asleep. The kind woman offered to hold the toddler while he slept, and if Evan wanted to take a quick nap, he can go ahead, and a thankful Evan who didn’t need too much of convincing quickly drifted off to sleep…

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“The kindness of this Lady was truly refreshing and wonderful, and on what was quickly turning in to one of the worst days in quite some time, was miraculously saved by this amazing lady… There is still hope in this world!”

We have to believe that everyone deep down inside is genuinely good at heart. And let’s all do our best to not let the actions of a few misguided and evil individuals from tainting our perception of the many. This just goes on to show that there are still good people out there!…Thank you kind Lady!

This story was originally published on