Some guys still need to learn how to respect women – these mom’s found a creative way to teach them…on camera!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 15, 2017Parenting

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There are so many lessons to be learned from this lesson learned through a purposeful ironic twist. But first, let’s review the rather short list of people that you never, never, ever cross. Here it is.

  1. Your Mom

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That’s the list. Now watch these guys sexually harassing women as they walk down the street. Demeaning women in anyway whatsoever is not ok. If you stand on a public street and harass women overtly you’ve brought upon the well-deserved wrath of all wrath that comes your way, not the least of which will come from your own mother! These are grown “men” proving that apparently they still have not yet learned one of the most important lessons that can be gifted to a son from his mother – respect. Yes, it’s funny to see these guys get caught red-handed in the act by their own mother. But never forget, ironic humor is also a great teacher!