Sometimes babies can start to cry right after they’re done eating

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 14, 2017Entertainment
Sometimes babies can start to cry right after they’re done eating

This baby is super sweet as it eats very cutely and is very patient and content. Yet as soon as the meal is over, the baby suddenly starts to cry. All that we are left with a few hints that’ll leave us puzzled about what happened in reality so that the baby started to cry.

It seems to be an interesting phenomenon that some babies can start to cry right after they ate. There seems to be many known reasons that can cause this. Be it food allergies, acid reflex from the stomach upwards, too much gas production leading to painful bloating, or just the wrong formula for the food of the baby, there seems to be an extensive list. Perhaps they are even just lamenting the meal being over!

Enjoy the babies content and cute faces while having the meal in this video: