Little boy writes to his dead father asking if he’s happy in heaven – a real story of faith and love!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 9, 2017Stories
Little boy writes to his dead father asking if he’s happy in heaven – a real story of faith and love!

We must wonder what it will be like for our children, once we have left for the ‘heavenly abode.’  Here is the story of a little boy who writes to his dead father ever year, wishing him Merry Christmas!

Suzanne Womac Edwards was in her yard and she watched this helium balloon floating in.  She found a note attached to it.  Reading the note, obviously scribbled by a very young writer, tore her heart.  Being a Facebook use, she decided to post this touching letter along with the accompanying photo.

She wrote  on Facebook:  

“A helium balloon floated into my yard today and landed on my heart! Attached was a note that made me cry and hug my family a little tighter. Facebook friends-go hug your loved ones and then share this post so that maybe my note will find this little boy, just as his balloon found me! To Alexander, I want you to know that Heaven is a wonderful place, more amazing than you or I can even imagine. It is a place where there is no pain and no worries. I am certain that your daddy didn’t want to leave you or cause you to feel lonely or sad. But in Heaven, he is ok and he is happy. He wants you to be happy too! He will always love you and I am sure that you make him proud! Have a Merry Christmas!!”

It was quite obvious seeing the handwriting and language that the letter was written by a very young boy.


“Dad I wish you were here so we could have fun together. I wish you a Merry Christmas I hope you tell God to give me those presents I hope you are happy in heaven. If you are OK then tell me. I love you, Alexander.”


This story will have surely given a new meaning to your life and family.

Let’s live life in a manner that will help our family members proud of us and miss us for the right reasons!