Two amazing sons saved money for ten years to ‘pay back’ their beloved mother for her priceless motherhood!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 21, 2017Stories
Two amazing sons saved money for ten years to ‘pay back’ their beloved mother for her priceless motherhood!

To a mother her baby is always a baby whether he is 3 years old or 30. Not many children appreciate the love and care and hard work that goes behind bringing them up. But there are always exceptions like these loving sons who showed their mother “they value what she did for them.”

Children do realize the pain, the sacrifices parents make to meet even basic necessities, like food, clothing and shelter, but not all children are good at expressing how they feel about their parents, particularly boys – they are mostly extremely shy to exhibit their love towards their parents. But these two amazing sons did it differently!

Daniel and Jason Knust are two appreciative sons who decided they had to say ‘Thank you’ to Mama..

Daniel and Jason Knust are definitely mama's boys.

The Knusts from Wollongong, south of Sydney, Australia had been saving up for the last ten years for this day.

Daniel asked his mom “Hey mum, you know how for years you’ve wanted a BMW? A new car? Well, they got a push bike that’s coming out,” he joked.

There in the garage lay a big surprise with a huge, red ribbon on it. The boys had bought her the BMW 3 series.

They gifted the matriarch with a BMW 3 series.

“I’ve wanted to do this for 10 years, and today a long term dream came true,” he wrote on his Instagram post.

The surprised mother kept saying “no, no, no.” “Hard work pays off, and that’s something our Mum taught us from a very young age that we’ll never forget.”

Daniel, a coach and body builder shares the beautiful moment on his Instagram account. Their mom overcome with emotion said “No, no you can’t do this.”

Daniel who is a coach and body builder shared the special moment on his Instagram account.

For Daniel, his best moment was his mother’s surprised expression.

Daniel says the car is nothing in comparison to what their mother has done for them. “A little gift to show her how much we appreciate everything she’s done for Jason and I,” he wrote.


Well who do we give credit to?  The boys for being such loving and appreciative sons, or the mother for the beautiful upbringing of her sons.

Indeed real parenting is not just about nourishing the physical growth but also guiding the spiritual aspect and moral blossoming of a child’s inner self!